these few days are filled with massive meet ups and overcoming-reality gatherings
it's like we are busy salvaging the last few moment we have of our youth.
ok... fine. of my youth.
this year i met my jc friends and nienies like 100000 times more than we ever did for the past 4 years.
i had 1 overnight chalet with the legendary fyf and it was one kind of epic. fun.
2 bbqs in a week and 2 excellent presentations. (imo!)
and lotsa other things left to plan. grad night. us trip. my career.
really ganna arrowed to do a lot of saikang.
but having fun is the most impt i guess.
i really need like 36 hrs a day.
being a to-be working adult is not easy!
and fighting for what i want is also not easy.
anw, good news over my causal chat. they kinda buy my idea ((:
a small little form of empowerment. is still a form of empowerment.
polling day on 7th may! thankfully that i am still in singapore.
gonna be damn exciting. gonna camp at like potong pasir, bishan, yuhua!
should i join the grassroots when my new mp comes?
i hate making decisions. sians.
why can't i be more of a leech )):
nvm. anw. if i do youth work. i will become more fit right? ((:

team excellent!

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